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Matt Mendenhall

Thanks for your comment, David. The place to report your Whooping Crane sighting is here: http://www.fws.gov/midwest/Whoopingcrane/sightings/sightingform.cfm

It's possible that the birds you saw were part of the nonmigratory population that lives in Florida. I don't know if they venture as far north as your location.

David G. DeVries

My name is Dave DeVries and I live in Wynfield Circle, Fleming Island, FL.

This morning around 8:00 am I saw (the second occasion) about six or seven Wooping Cranes flying south over my house.

I am an avid bird watcher, and I can say beyond a doubt they were whooping cranes.

The first occasion was about six weeks ago, maybe more.

On the first occasion I was not 100% sure they were Whooping Cranes. I saw them going away.

However, both sightings were exactly on the same course.

I Thought I should report it, since I did not see this flock mentioned in my research on the internet.

Dave DeVries

Friday,July 24, 2009
[email protected]

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